Sunday 31 October 2010

Welcome to E Bike News

This is a blog about electric bikes. Simple really. But why am I starting this blog now?

Well, electric bikes are the next big thing, I reckon.

We all laughed at Sir Clive Sinclair's C5 way back in the 1980s. The technology wasn't there at the time. And he did look pretty weird in that suit (the beard didn't help much, either). But seriously, all credit to Sir Clive, he saw it coming - exactly as he did with his early ZX81 computer - a computer in every home. "That'll never catch on", we said.

The first PCs were limited by the speed and memory of silicone chips, so has been the case with electric bikes and traditional battery technology. But it's all changed, and faster than even the "beardies" dared to have predicted.

Today's Lithium-Ion Battery technology means every home will soon have an electric bike or electric car sitting in the garage. Lightweight construction materials and the incredible economies of scale achievable by mass production make electric bikes a practical and affordable mode of transport, for millions of people in the UK alone.

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